
I have a confession to make
Don’t judge me too harshly for this

I have had an addiction lately

to the Tacos at Jack in the box
I know…
I am so ashamed 🙂
I am not a fast food person
Just not a fan
(my kids on the other hand… they think it is the biggest treat when we let them go :P)
I do enjoy Quiznos
(is that fast food?)
I prefer it to Subway and can’t really eat Subway any more
because I think Quiznos is by far superior
I also enjoy Arby’s once in awhile
and that’s about it
We have a local chain around here
called Burgerville
and I do occasionally enjoy them
especially their milkshakes
(Chocolate Hazelnut – so FREAKING good!)
But when we are out and about
on our many weekend adventures
we sometimes stop and get something for the kids
We found recently
that Jack in the Box had breakfast all day
and Talker doesn’t like things like burgers, tacos, etc
(he is a self imposed vegetarian at 2)
so we can get him pancakes
So I decided to try their tacos once
I have no idea why I like them
but even writing about them now
I am getting a craving
It started when I was pregnant with Smiley
a few months ago
Call it a pregnancy craving that hasn’t gone away
(Yes, blame the baby
Cravings and baby weight that won’t go away
all their fault!! 😉 
yes, that explains it!)
I make some REALLY good soft tacos here
(I’ll have to post my recipe soon – they are DELICIOUS!)
and they are one of my favorite things I make
(I think I could LIVE off of tacos, pizza, and chocolate – seriously!)
My family even used to own
some fast food Mexican type food restaurants
(maybe why I am not a fast food fan?!?!)
I mean the meat  in the tacos
seems to be a cross between beans and mystery meat
the cheese is just slices of American
but the shell seems to be fried around it
and the cheese gets all melty…
and now I am hungry….
I don’t know…
I don’t get it
but I like them
And now you know my secret…. 🙂