
After Monocacy and Harper’s Ferry, we went to Antietam. Unfortunately, the kids were getting tired by this time, so we didn’t spend that much time there. I would have liked to stay longer, but such as life. Just means we have to go back again! (maybe switch things up and go first when they are fresh!)

Antietam was the bloodiest battle in the Civil War. There are several monuments, cannons, bridge, and an observation tower to see. We hit the highlights before heading home. Tired/grumpy kids are no fun! Next time, I’d like to check out more of the monuments on bloody lane and the Burnside Bridge. We at least went up the Observation Tower and could see quite a bit of the battlefield and monuments from up there. Worth the hike up the tower!

You can earn a Junior Ranger badge here too. I think we mailed this one in, which was good since the kids were in no mood to do it when we got there.

Next trip, we will hopefully explore this battlefield a bit more!