Our Teeny Tiny Baby Boy Turned 2 a couple of weeks ago. He LOVES All Robots and everything to do with Robots, so I decided to make him a Robot Cake.
You know I love to make fun cakes – I have made so many over the years. While I love making these cakes, they also have to be EASY. Easy but look great is the way I work!
This Robot Cake is super easy to make. Here is what you’ll need to make it:
- 13×9 Cake (Any flavor You like!)
- Buttercream Frosting – Add Food Coloring to get your desired color
- Small Chocolate Donuts
- M&M’s
- Oreo
- Lolipop or sucker
Cut the cake like the diagram below (taken from my Instagram Stories):

You’ll cut the feet section in half and carve into a foot shape.
Frost your pieces and arrange them on your serving plate or board. To smooth your buttercream, you can take a wet knife and use it to smooth out the frosting
Use a donut between the head and body. Use a few donuts to create “legs” between the body and the feet.
Use donuts to create arms. I used a little buttercream to “glue” them down so they wouldn’t move/fall over. For the hand, just cut 1/4 of the donut out.
Carefully pull apart 2 oreos for the eyes. Use the non-cream side for the ears. Use some M&Ms for the pupils on the eyes
Use half a donut for the top of the head. Stick a red sucker/lollipop through the donut into the top of the cake.
Use M&Ms to make a mouth. I put Red M&Ms on their side to create the laces/buttons on the feet/shoes of the Robot. Then create whatever you want the robot middle to say with your M&M’s. It can be a number, letter, a picture, or whatever random thing you want your robot to say!
That’s it! Pretty simply and it turned out REALLY cute!!