Lentil Soup

We LOVE Lentil Soup
Everyone in the family will eat it
You just have to get over the color

We have a nickname
for this soup
I think you can probably guess what that is 🙂
but regardless of the color
it is a very good soup
We also adore Alton Brown
We have all the Good Eats cookbooks
and this is basically his recipe
Never had lentils?
Neither had I 
before I had this soup
and I became a convert
I love lentils now
so go ahead and try them!
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 onion – chopped; (don’t worry about making them too small, you will be blending the soup)
1/2 cup carrot – chopped; (don’t worry about making them too small, you will be blending the soup)
1 pound Lentils
1 14oz can of Tomatoes – or use fresh tomatoes
2 Quarts Chicken or Vegetable Broth
1/2 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp cumin
Heat the olive oil in a large stock pot/dutch oven over medium heat. Add the onion, carrots, and salt in the pot and sweat until the onions are translucent, about 6-7 minutes. Add the lentils, tomatoes, broth, coriander, and cumin – stir to combine. Increase heat to high and bring the soup to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook at low simmer until the lentils are tender, approx. 35-40 minutes. Be sure they are TENDER (it can cook longer if needed – I think mine simmered for an hour last night because I forgot about it!). Then use a stick blender and puree to your desired consistency. Love my Stick Blender for soups!
We served it with the other half of the bread dough from the rolled sandwich I made last night. Just baked the dough and and some yummy homemade dough to dunk in the soup! 
This freezes well! We always put our leftovers into the freezer, because this make ALOT of soup! too much for us to eat in one meal. 
Calories – my calculations put it at about 175 calories per serving.