Soggy Cereal

I just put dinner in the crockpot
(Let’s hope it works out better than last night :P)
and my 2 year old wants to help me
I tell him to go get a chair,
so he can to help out

He then gets side tracked
by his older brother’s cereal sitting on the counter
He had just taken off a few minutes earlier
to go do who knows what
and he obviously didn’t eat, 
or finish the cereal
but didn’t bother to walk to to the sink either
(I am sure your kids NEVER leave their dishes laying around!)
“Mmmm… Chex mom!”
Me: “Don’t eat that, it is soggy and gross”
Cue to me a few minutes later after picking the baby up
Seeing the now empty bowl of cereal
“Did you eat the cereal?”
“It was good mom!”
It would never occur to me
to walk by someone’s bowl of un-eaten, soggy cereal
and think
“Mmmm… That looks good, I think I’ll eat it!”
Wonder what it is like
inside the mind of a 2 year old?
This entry was posted in kids.