I could eat about a dozen of these puffs
in about a minute
Bread and cheese
What’s not to like?
you work your arm muscles making them
so you are burning some calories just to make them!
Worth every calorie
and having a sore arm
The recipe is really easy to remember
I never have to even look it up
They are easy to make
other than the arm work out you get!
Just try not to eat a dozen
as soon as they hit your table
they are so good
and easy to pop in your mouth!
- 1 cup of water
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp of butter
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 1/4 – 1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
- 1 cup flour
- 4 eggs
- 1 cup shredded cheese
- green onion, chopped
Heat oven to 400
Bring the water, oil, butter, salt, and cayenne pepper to a boil in a medium saucepan. Should only take a few minutes. Take off the heat and add in the flour and thoroughly mix. Then, this the most important step to follow exactly, mix in the eggs, ONE at a time and mix in the egg to the flour mixture until it is COMPLETELY mixed in. It has to be completely mixed in for the puff to work! The first couple are easy to thoroughly mix into the flour, but the last one will take some arm muscles getting it completely mixed in. Only add in another egg, when the previous egg is completely mixed in. Do you think I stressed that enough? Trust me, I know from experience that these will not turn out the same and will not puff if each egg is not incorporated properly! once you’ve have your arm work out and incorporated all the eggs, add in the cheese and green onions. If you don’t have green onions, no problem, I make it all the time without it!
Spray your cookie sheet with cooking spray, because they will stick! I use my cookie scoop to scoop the dough onto the sheet, but you could just use a spoon. Put in oven at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
Eat warm, cold, room temperature… Doesn’t matter, all good! ENJOY!
I took lots of pictures because I couldn’t decide which one I liked the most 🙂