I love Chicken Parmeasan
So making it into an easy casserole
Seemed like a logical step 🙂
I think this was the first “pin”
on pinterest I ever tried
This was back when pinterest was just starting
(yes, I was one of the first on pinterest 🙂 )
I love croutons
It is one of the main reasons I eat salad
So this recipe was really something I knew I would like
and of course I did
My kids eat it too
So that is just a double bonus
for this delicious recipe!
This can be easily made to whatever size pan you are wanting to make
- 4-6 small chicken breasts (I personally use 2 VERY large chicken breasts, and I cut each breast into three pieces. I cut the bottom part off, then slice the thick part in half, so it is two thinner pieces)
- 1/2 jar of spaghetti sauce
- Parmesan Cheese
- 3/4 – 1 lb shredded Mozzarella cheese
- 1 pkg. Croutons (I buy the BIG bag at Costco, so I don’t measure, just cover the top!)
I like to take my chicken and pound it thinner. This is optional. Heat your oven to 350. Take your 13×9 pan (or any size pan you are wanting to use, just use more or less ingredients!) and cover the bottom with your chicken breasts:

Then cover each breast with some Spaghetti Sauce and Sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese:

Cover that with a good layer of Mozzarella:

Now top all of that with a layer of croutons:

Put it in your oven and cook for 30-45 minutes (depends on how thick your chicken breasts are!)
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