No-fail turkey in the crockpot

No-fail turkey in the crockpot

We had a huge turkey breast

in our freezer

that I picked up on sale awhile ago

We decided to try cooking it in our crockpot!!!

It was one of the BEST turkey’s I’ve ever had!

Right up there with a deep-fried turkey!!

I will be making it in the crockpot from now on!

No more oven for the turkey for me

If we ever do thanksgiving by ourselves,

I am totally just making a turkey breast

(since we don’t like dark meat)

in the crockpot!


The Turkey cooks in its own juices

and it is delicious!

So moist from being in the juice

I mean REALLY moist!


I don’t think I can say enough good things about it.


There is no real recipe to tell you

Simply put the turkey breast in your slow cooker,

Put the breast side down in the crockpot as much as possible

My husband tossed a couple of apples that we had,

that were a bit old and needed used in with it

and just a little water to cover the bottom

Then cooked the breast on low for like 8 hours

and that’s it!

So easy!


And the No-fail turkey in the crockpot cooks in its juices to perfection!


TRY it!

So good!

I am going to be doing this

No-fail turkey in the crockpot

whenever I want to cook a turkey from now on!

(unless it is too big for my slow cooker… but I am thinking I should just do small ones like this from now on!)

No worrying about it drying out!

Or about being under-cooked!

No-fail turkey in the crockpot

Makes cooking Turkey EASY and DELICIOUS!!

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