In October, we took a quick trip to Idaho, so we could tour the Meridian Temple Open House. We rarely have Temple open houses within driving distance from us (the last one we went to was Vancouver BC – we only had 2 kids then!). We wanted to take all the kids, so we decided to torture ourselves with a car trip! We would much rather fly, but when under 8 hours, it is easier to drive. So drive we did. The kids actually did really well. We were mainly worried about #5, but he did ok! So it was a success.
The temple was beautiful. Other than us getting in the wrong tour group, a bunch got bunched up and somehow we got into an elevator group, which needed to be smaller, so we ended up in another random group passing by. Oh well! We still got to see the whole temple. It was so nice to be able to see and experience it with all our kids. It was well worth the car trip.
We also got Cafe Rio, so a Yummy success too! We also stopped by the Boise Temple, since we have driven by it and flown by it so many times, but never stopped! It was closed for maintenance, but we were still able to get pictures.