Correct Information Rant

Baby #6 is here! There will be several posts about everything (I managed to get his birth story written on our family blog already!) but I wanted to just start with something that annoyed me and I wanted to get it off my chest!

They changed the way things work in the hospital since the last time we had a baby (2 years ago). Before, my kid’s doctor would come in and check on them. Now they just have staff pediatricians to check on the babies. Which is fine.

The one the first day was WONDERFUL! I really liked her! She took him for the ultrasound and delivered the good news that they found his second kidney (it is in his pelvis, but working – more on that later). She cooed and loved on him. I would easily have her take care of my kids! She was really cool!

The one the second day was a completely different story. I did NOT Like her. I could tell almost as soon as she came in the room that I would not like her and I was right. I am still ticked when I think about her.

We asked for a procedure to be done. Apparently, she is the ONLY pediatrician unwilling to do it. She then proceeded to try to convince us against it. I have 6 kids. I know what I want and what I am doing. She said something about maybe things weren’t quite right and it wouldn’t work well on him. Ok. That’s fine. We’ll have a doctor that will do the procedure decide that.

She then told us to check with our insurance to make sure they’d pay for it. (FYI – I already knew they would pay for it – I’m not dumb and check this stuff out).

Then told me that we can always do it at our doctor’s office if we decide to do it later. It is often cheaper at the doctor’s office too. “The hospital is more expensive and you may want to use your doctor – unless you are Mr. Moneybags – and with 6 kids I highly doubt that”

That is when I almost freaking punched her (she had medical students with her… which pissed me off more that she was teaching!).

What I wanted to say: “Yeah, 6 kids. Those kids just got back from a vacation in Hawaii at a fancy resort. They are going to Disneyworld for 3 weeks this summer. I have at least 2 years of college saved for EACH of them. Missions/and or weddings are saved for already. We are on our way to a comfortable retirement. How about you, you nasty lady, can you say the same?!?!”

That is what I was thinking. I just wanted her to leave and never come back, so I simply replied: “Yeah, don’t worry about us, we are doing just fine”

Later in the day, the other Pediatrician came in – that would perform the procedure – and said: “I need to check to make sure that I am comfortable performing the procedure, after what she told me” That lady doctor told him that there was something WRONG with our child to try and make sure the procedure didn’t happen!

He checked him and looked perplexed. I asked if everything was ok. He said: “Oh yeah. Everything looks perfectly fine. I don’t know what she was talking about. There is nothing wrong with him”

She was lucky she wasn’t in the hospital any longer, because I probably would have hunted her down and punched her.

Seriously, it is one thing not to agree with something. But you are a freaking DOCTOR! Giving inaccurate information or “stretching” the truth to try to discourage something you don’t agree with is NOT COOL! I was mad.

The doctor that night was very nice and wonderful again. A super nice guy about everything. By the way, the procedure went just fine. No problems whatsoever.

Seriously, don’t lie to me or others about my kids – especially my kids’ health. You have no freaking idea what we have gone through with him already!!! Agree or disagree with the choices I make, I expect you to be a professional and if I choose to go against what you would choose, giving inaccurate information to another doctor is just not appropriate. Thank you to the other doctor for calling her out and saying that he is perfectly fine and nothing to worry about.

And yes, we have 6 kids. We may be able to provide for them fairly well financially, HOWEVER you judgemental lady,  what is important is that they are LOVED and ADORED and each one of them has always been planned for and wanted. So you my dear, terrible doctor, can shove it.


  1. Allanna says:

    I think that you should definitely let the hospital know about this experience.

    If the lady wanted to push her agenda(s) on other people, she needs to do that on her own time. And, wow, she was really rude about it.

    Yeah, I think she needs a transfer to somewhere more suitable (Is there a Rudesville anywhere? Maybe located in ShutYourStupidMouth, Michigan? … Not that Michigan HAS a town named that … but it does really roll off the tongue quite well. Just sayin’.)

    • jennypersons says:

      Oh. Yeah. I plan to give feedback. I just couldn’t believe how rude she was, when everyone else has always been so incredibly wonderful! 😕

  2. Karen Davis says:

    Somehow I missed reading this until today. I cannot believe she put you through this!!! Can you make a formal complaint about her. She definitely should not be teaching. How dare she put you through this for her whitetail/agenda.

    • jennypersons says:

      Oh I am planning to make a complaint – they send out a survey/comment sheet a week or two after you get home, so I plan to tell them about her. Thankfully, I have calmed down about it a bunch, so I don’t want to punch her quite as much anymore 😊

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