
I guess with more downtime having a newborn stuck to my chest practically 24/7, I didn’t realize there were so many “perfect” mommy lifestyle bloggers/instagramers. I guess I am behind the times. I went to the general feed of Instagram for the first time and a bunch of these perfect looking mommy lifestyle bloggers were suggested for me to follow.

I just laughed.

Seriously. Who has time to take these perfect looking photos? Wear the perfect outfit? Take 200 pictures to get the perfect pose with a toddler? What mother looks like that on a daily basis? Whenever I post a recipe or something, the picture is taken literally 1 minute before ravenous scavengers gobble it up. No time to make anything look fancy around here. Or I have a toddler throwing a fit about his entire day being ruined because he got the wrong color cup.

I am currently sitting in a t-shirt, pj pants, and hair that hasn’t seen a brush yet (I have showered though!!) My back itches like crazy from the allergic reaction to the adhesive, I have a headache, and I am cramping. I am also cuddling an adorable newborn, so I guess it evens out…

So I am going to try and do some more #reallife posts on my Instagram (they show up in the Facebook feed of the blog as well – for those who do not have/use Instagram). The good, the bad, and the ugly. Whatever life that day throws at us. Hopefully, all of them will have some good integrated with the not so good though 🙂