
Man, I get so much done when I am not running to and from pre-school… Now for the rest of the kids to finish up school. BRING ON SUMMER! (ugh… 2 more weeks still)

Before noon:

Kids off to school/fed/lunches/on buses/husband did Seminary carpool so I can nurse the baby

Grocery shopping with kid #4 & #5 – #6 slept at home with dad. The other 2 could have stayed home, but they like grocery shopping and are good while shopping. I think they just like the free fruit and cookies.

Groceries put away and items for dinner gathered for later (and to de-frost)

3 Loads of laundry done

The baby wouldn’t sleep in his swing when I got home – he wanted mommy! So I put him in the wrap so I could get stuff done!

Washed 10lbs of strawberries. Got 5lbs pureed for Fruit leather and into the dehydrator. Will do another 2-3lbs once those finish. Toddler enjoyed pushing the button to puree the strawberries. He also ate a bunch of the strawberries (along with his brother!)

Cleaned up the package of crackers the toddler got all over the floor while I was making the fruit leather.

Fed the baby like 300 times. Ok, maybe not that many, but man, he wanted to eat all morning!

But used that time to call and add him to our upcoming flights. Then I canceled a credit card before the annual fee was due. Booked the rental car for our upcoming trip. Updated the travel insurance. Did some banking and financial arrangements. Then got some blog pots done (personal blog and Subscribe and Save blog).

It felt good to finally sit down and eat some lunch at noon. The toddler liked my lunch and ate half of it. I then made him his own sandwich, which apparently was not as good as mine in his mind!

I felt accomplished! Pretty much if I end up dressed by noon, I feel accomplished… but somedays, I manage to kick butt… yay for no more driving to and from preschool and saving time to get other things done!

One comment

  1. Bob Bush says:

    Part of me says I’m glad we didn’t have kids so that I can live vicariously through others and not deal with the insanity. The other part of me says you’re a lucky “supermom”! Enjoy the summer!!!

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