Simple, Easy, & Delicious Pasta Salad


I have become obsessed with Pasta Salad the last few weeks. JUST before I went in to have #6, we were having a fundraiser in our ward (church congregation) and one of the girls was selling pasta salad. It was so good! The few days leading up to going to the hospital, I was eating it for breakfast even! It was just so good!

Once I ate up all she made and got home from the hospital, I set out to make my own. The first time I made it, I used whole wheat pasta, because that is all we had – I only buy whole wheat. Well, It was ok, but it didn’t taste the same. Not quite as delicious. I figured it was the pasta. I bought some of the cheap white pasta the next time I was at the grocery store and made it again. Yep! It was the pasta. Apparently, you need good old white pasta to make a pasta salad that you’re used to eating!

So now I am stocking white pasta just so I can make this often – ha! Mayo also. It takes alot of Mayo! A bowl of this lasts us all week though.

It also really needs to sit in the fridge for a good few hours, but overnight is even better. Even when I made it with whole wheat, it tasted best after about 4 days in the fridge! It really does need to refrigerate to have the best taste!

You can customize it with whatever add-ins you’d like. I tend to prefer it plain though!



  • 1lb pasta
  • 4 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 1/2 cups mayonnaise
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • black pepper
  • any add-ins you’d like



Cook the pasta according to box directions. Drain well. Place pasta back in the pot or a large bowl and sprinkle with the apple cider vinegar and stir to coat. Let the pasta absorb the vinegar and cool for about 10 minutes. Whisk together 2 cups of the mayo, 1/2 cup of milk. sugar, salt, and as much fresh cracked pepper as desired. Fold into the pasta, stirring to coat completely.  Allow the pasta to cool completely. Whisk together the rest of the mayo and milk, along with any add-ins you’ve chosen. Then add them into the cooled pasta salad. Cover and refrigerate at least one hour, or overnight for best results.

Simple, Easy, & Delicious Pasta Salad


  • 1lb pasta
  • 4 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 2 1/2 cups mayonnaise
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • black pepper
  • any add-ins you'd like


  1. Cook the pasta according to box directions.
  2. Drain well.
  3. Place pasta back in the pot or a large bowl and sprinkle with the apple cider vinegar and stir to coat.
  4. Let the pasta absorb the vinegar and cool for about 10 minutes.
  5. Whisk together 2 cups of the mayo, 1/2 cup of milk. sugar, salt, and as much fresh cracked pepper as desired.
  6. Fold into the pasta, stirring to coat completely. 
  7. Allow the pasta to cool completely.
  8. Whisk together the rest of the mayo and milk, along with any add-ins you've chosen.
  9. Then add them into the cooled pasta salad.
  10. Cover and refrigerate at least one hour, or overnight for best results.