I have been going to Wildlife Safari since I was a child. I have been more times than I can count. I can honestly say that Wildlife Safari is always worth the drive to visit!
We were hosted by Wildlife Safari on this visit. We only do hosted visits at places I KNOW I can recommend. Wildlife Safari is a place I can always highly recommend!
We always start our visit at the FREE walk around Safari Village area. This area is always free – whether you are doing the Drive-Thru Safari or not. I actually wasn’t sure if it would be open due to the Pandemic and everything being shut down but to our (happy) surprise, it was open!! There are actually quite a few animals to see here. My favorites are the Flamingos and Wallaroos! We also enjoy the petting zoo. For $.25, you can get food to feed the animals in the petting zoo too – which is always popular with our kids. They have a Train you can pay to ride as well. You can also pay for a Camel Ride.
After the Safari Village – where we’ve stretched our legs after the drive and gone to the bathroom – we head to the Drive-Thru. They give you a map and instructions and off you go! It wasn’t too busy the day we went, so there weren’t many cars. However, plan for the drive-thru to take 1-1.5 hours.
Every time I have been to Wildlife Safari, there is always a Giraffe walking on or right next to the road. It is usually one of the first things we see. Without fail, we always see a giraffe up close! This is probably my favorite part of the Drive-Thru – up close with the giraffes! This visit was no different as we were behind a Giraffe in the middle of the road for several minutes – not that we minded. It was pretty awesome!
The Lions are usually pretty easy to see as well! On our last visit, they were feeding the Lions as we drove through and that was AMAZING to watch! This visit, the lions were just lounging by the fence and easy to see.
As you drive through the different areas, you see a variety of animals. On different visits, we’ve seen a Rhinocerous walking on the road! This time, they were at the feeding station, but still very cool! We saw baby geese walking in the road – so cute! Found Bears camouflaged sleeping in the grass under trees.
They do have a feeding area where you can feed some animals from your car! We have done this in the past, but the way we had the car seats set up in the van this time, it wouldn’t work well for the kids to feed out of the windows, so we skipped it.
You end the Drive-Thru with Tigers and Cheetahs! Cheetahs are what Wildlife Safari is known for! They have one of the most successful Cheetah breeding programs in the world! You cannot go to Wildlife Safari without seeing the Cheetahs!
We had another wonderful visit to Wildlife Safari! If you are in Oregon, I highly recommend a visit. As I said before, I have been more times than I can count and it never disappoints! We can’t wait to be able to visit again soon!