Hilton Waikoloa Lagoon – Swimming with Turtles

Hands down our favorite part of the Hilton Waikoloa was the Lagoon. It was simply AMAZING!

The Lagoon is fed by the ocean but is calm and tranquil. Perfect for kids. Kids can safely snorkel and enjoy the fish and turtles without big waves or dangers. The water is warmer than the pools too!

It is also jam-packed with turtles! They come and go from the Ocean as they please, but there were always lots to see and swim with. There was also plenty of fish to see. Some of the fish would jump out of the water. It was quite amusing to watch.

Small kids can play in the sand. Or wade in the water with the turtles.

We spent many hours at the lagoon. One morning, we swam with well over 20 turtles! Some mornings we would only see 5-10. It varied quite a bit, but we always saw some. We saw and swam with one the first minute we got to the Lagoon.

The Lagoon is well worth a visit – or many visits like us! We always went first thing in the morning and we usually had the entire Lagoon area to ourselves. If you want to be certain that you swim with turtles on a trip to Hawaii, this is the place to go! I am pretty sure you can always see a turtle here (or at least we did on all our visits!)

The kids took lots of video of swimming with turtles. Their videos of the fish are much shorter and there are not nearly as many – obviously, they were more interested in the turtles!

I have always wanted to swim with turtles. Now we have (we didn’t see any on our last trip. We sure made up for it on this trip!!) and my kids have already swum and snorkeled with turtles (Sometimes I wish I was my kids – hahaha!). Kid #3 Absolutely LOVED snorkeling. We were actually impressed at how quickly he took to it. Seeing Lava and swimming with Turtles checked off the bucket list on this trip!

Seriously, watching the videos makes me tear up a bit. I feel so blessed to have been able to do this and the fact we have been able to take our children to do these amazing things….