Easy & Hiccups


How stinking adorable is that video?!?!? I can watch it over and over…

Last night, my toddler screamed for almost 2 hours. My husband went to my daughter’s choir concert. He was perfectly fine for the first half an hour, then everyone went upstairs to get ready for bed. Well, he was not having that! So he decided to be REALLY upset that dad left him.

He has been attached to his dad since we went to the hospital. He does NOT want Dad to leave him. *sigh*  Don’t even get me started on the fact that the choir concert was over 2 hours long on a school night. I am soooo happy my daughter is dropping it next year (I didn’t want her taking it in the first place. #sorrynotsorry, I think it is a waste of time). They spent time on awards, too many songs, reading stuff about each senior, paying homage to the choir teacher, etc. etc. Something that no parent really needs to sit through. My husband was texting me the whole time. If he wasn’t in the middle of the room, he would have gotten up and left. He should have left anyway because I was going CRAZY listening to him cry and scream for sooo long. Ugh. I hate high school and we have only gotten through a year of it!

Yesterday was also the first day my husband went back to work. And by back to work, I mean he went into his office downstairs. Benefits of working from home! He has more paternity leave, but we want to use that this summer. Plus, the toddler REALLY needed back to a schedule and dad back to work because he was becoming a tyrant about his dad. Times like this I love him working from home so much (we have come to adore him working from home – LOVE IT!)

Apparently, I overdid it though. I honestly didn’t think I was doing much, but my body apparently did! I ended up setting an alarm to get up to check myself in the middle of the night. After the hemorrhaging issues from #5, I tend to be a bit paranoid. I didn’t want to wake up in a pool of blood or anything! So again, I am getting up for ME – the newborn is sleeping perfectly fine. *sigh*

So today, I put some Ranch Chicken in the crockpot and have been trying to just lay and cuddle babies. I had to drive to and from pre-school, but today was the LAST day! Tomorrow is just “graduation.” Then no more driving to and from! YAY YAY YAY YAY! I’ll save me so much time! Then I will be able to “rest” some more… Today, I also had to drive him to speech class. Again, today is the last speech class. I actually need to go wait outside for his bus to bring him home about now…

So far, the resting is helping. Hopefully, if I keep resting, It’ll continue to improve, because honestly, it freaked me out last night. Post-traumatic stress from #5 delivery still….

Tomorrow is pre-school graduation and I have my 6-month dental appointment. Hopefully, the baby sleeps for daddy the entire time I’m gone (’cause I am too lazy to pump any milk…. We have a bit of formula left from needing to supplement his first few days of life, so he can always use that if needed, but the dentist shouldn’t take THAT long)… Plus ANOTHER band concert tonight AND tomorrow. Please pray no more screaming from the toddler. Not sure I can survive that again. *sigh* End of the school year is BRUTAL!