Summer Hike #7 – Silver Falls

The last hike that we had time for this summer was to Silver Falls! This is probably one of my favorite places on the planet. I have been to many places, but very few compare to the beauty of this place. I love it here – probably why we try to come at least once a year. Someday, when I don’t have little kids, I want to hike the entire 7-8 mile loop to all the waterfalls.

Since it is summer, the waterfall was small! We have been when the waterfall is so full you get soaked looking at it miles away (ok – that may be an exaggeration, but you get WET!). There is a BIG benefit to the small falls though – we were able to explore all the caves behind the waterfall without getting completely soaked! My husband brought flashlights and the boys thought it was the best thing to explore and look into all the caves and holes. #5 probably would have stayed there all day exploring. He loved playing with the flashlight and exploring. It was so much fun to watch all of them not only have fun, but exploring the nature around them. Seriously, the best! We had a wonderful time.

There are many more waterfalls in this park. We only had time to see the main South Falls on this trip (plus we were with family that couldn’t hike much) but we usually get to 3-5 per trip. Someday, I will get to all of them in one trip!

Whenever people ask things to do in Oregon, Silver Falls is always #1 on my list of things to see/do (along with the beach). It is so beautiful and you will never regret a visit to this wonderful piece of heaven on earth!