Sahalie Falls is a gem that we found on our way home from our weekend in Bend. I am not sure how I have lived in Oregon so long and never seen this magnificent waterfall!!
It is another waterfall located not far from the parking lot, easily accessible to those of all abilities. It is located along the McKenzie River off of HWY 126.
We were all impressed with how much water ROARS off this waterfall, even in the summer when flows are usually low! The waterfall marks the terminus of two thick flows of basaltic andesite lava that dammed Clear Lake (where my sister-in-law used to work) and moved into the McKenzie River over 3,000 years ago. The result is Sahalie Falls with its breathtaking and foaming white water cascades.
It is well worth a trip and we will allot more time next time to explore some of the trails around this amazing waterfall!