Halloween Treats for ALL

Halloween is just a week away! At our home, we get anywhere from 300-500 Trick or Treaters! We have a very popular neighborhood!

I always try and get an assortment of different options. We have non-food items for kids with allergies or those that may prefer a fun prize instead. I try to get an allergy-friendly candy, like airheads. I then get a bunch of the good chocolate – mainly for me 😉

Here are a few Halloween rules we live by:

  • If you see Teenagers, give them candy! There are much worse things they could be doing. Just let them be kids as long as possible!
  • While we don’t have any food allergies, I like to provide alternatives because we have many friends’ kids that have life-threatening food allergies. Halloween is a scary night for them for other reasons! Give them a safe house to Trick or Treat at!
  • If a child doesn’t say “Trick or Treat” or “Thank You,” they may be Non-Verbal, have a speech delay, or autistic.
  • A child not wearing a costume may have sensory issues or autism. Don’t make a big deal over it.

Any others that I’m missing? I’ll add to the list if you have more. We want to make sure all children feel included!

I got all of our non-candy treats on Amazon. They are pretty cheap there and you still have time before Halloween to get them to your house with Prime Shipping!

Here are a few things we got: (I’ll put the price I paid, so if the price has increased, you can simply look for a similar item!)

Slap Bracelets (at the time of posting, these were more than I paid. You can simply look for similar. I paid $16 for 154 bracelets)

Finger LED Lights (paid $20 for 160 lights. Half are for my husband. He LOVES these for projects!)

Foam Airplanes (paid $8 for 72)

Halloween Pencils (I didn’t buy these. My in-laws gave us a big box of them and we’ve been handing them out every year since.)

Halloween Bubbles – I didn’t buy bubbles, but a friend posted she did and I thought it was a GREAT idea – especially for the little ones! Putting this one down for next year!!

Airheads in bulk! – yes I bought 25lbs of Airheads. We used them for parties, for valentines, etc. It was only a little over $1 a POUND when I bought them.

Candy I always pick up with the Fred Meyer 50% off coupon (that is on TOP of their sale prices.) It makes their prices cheaper than clearance prices! They have this coupon for most major holidays!