Since we are all stuck at home during this Coronavirus Pandemic, I remembered my post with a list of Junior Ranger Badges that you can earn at home! I thought I would do a little update since they are a great educational activity for kids and a FREE option to work on while everyone is home. Plus, you’ll get a badge or a patch as a reward! There are so many topics/places to choose from too! See the list below!
We were supposed to be going to Yosemite, Sequoia, and Kings Canyon National Parks on our way down to Disneyland this week. Disneyland is closed, so we decided we’d just cancel the entire trip. Since we won’t be doing those Junior Rangers right now (hopefully, it will be rescheduled soon!), we are going to work on a few of these at home badges! We have some of them, but we still have several we can work on! (the list is LONG – it’s going to take us a while to do ALL of them!)
We are up to over 50 badges! After you visit the parks, you can always mail your books in to get your badges/patches, if you don’t make it back to the visitor’s center before your kids finish the books and you leave the park. Honestly, we mail them most of the time because it takes WAY TOO long for them to go over 6 kids’ books, swear them in, etc., so it works really well for us! (some parks do NOT allow mail-in, so check their website – or your book – before you leave to be sure you can mail it in)
Three of our boys have Junior Ranger Vests and Hats for their badges and patches. I am sure we’ll get one for the baby on our next trip. Our daughter keeps hers on some long ribbons displayed in her room. We use locking backs for the pins to be sure they don’t fall off (we have had this happen!)
All the badges listed below can be done in YOUR HOME and mailed in or emailed in and they will send you the badges or patches in the mail!
Junior Ranger Badges you can earn at home:
Junior Ranger Let’s Go Fishing
New Orleans Jazz National Historic Park
El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro
Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers
Denali National Park Web Quest
Little Rock Central High School
Stones River National Battlefield
Pompey Pillar National Monument
El Camino Real de los Tejas National Historic trail
I will add to the list as more are found! Feel free to message or leave a comment if you find more! (Shout Out to Mary Beth Randall for sending several of these to me!)