Count your Blessings

I still have several trip posts to catch up on (toddler not letting me use a laptop really sets me back!), but I just had to do a quick post on “other” things in our life.

I can’t go into detail or say too much because my husband had to sign an NDA, but man, you realize how your life can quickly change in one morning – or come very close to changing!

My husband’s work laid off about 75% of the people in his organization. The company decided they weren’t going to provide that service/product any longer. EVERY person that he works with here locally got laid off. Most of the people he knew within the organization, got laid off.

He didn’t.

The ones that didn’t get laid off fall into 2 categories – basically the “clean-up” crew (providing support for the service/product until they transfer all customers). This was about half of the people left. Then a handful were given other jobs within a different part of the company. This is where my husband fell. They gave him a different job, in a different part of the company.

It was shocking. Completely unexpected. We had absolutely no idea this was coming at all. He has worked with this group of people for a really long time (some as long as a decade). Survivors guilt.

All I can say is that we are being looked out for. We have been extremely blessed. This last year, we have felt he should take certain paths in his career (including taking a different position within the organization), which helped him get to know many people throughout the company. He traveled and was able to make connections. Every time we took one of these steps, we’d wonder if it was the right step to take. We always felt that he should take that leap, or that trip, or that position. I firmly believe because we trusted and had faith that those were the right steps to take, he has a job today.

Sometimes we have no idea why we take a certain path or make a certain choice. Actually, that seems to be the case most of the time! Then BOOM! One day, those paths are made clear to us.

I know that if we listen, ask, and pray for guidance, we can have help figuring out what paths we should take. They may not always seem like what we’d planned or the obvious choice, but if we place our faith in our Heavenly Father’s plan, I know it will work out. His plan is always the right one – just not always the most obvious one or the one we had planned on!

Feeling insanely blessed this week…